Tuesday, February 24, 2009


I was so tired this past weekend. I would take a nap, get up, then want to just go right back to sleep. And still go to bed early.

We have all been fighting a cold. We are all sniffly sneezy, so maybe that's it. Maybe it's readjusting to the new blend of meds. Maybe it's the stress of the past few weeks catching up. Who knows.

I woke up this morning with a horrible earache. I felt like I was on a plane - everything sounded muffled and my ear hurt so so much.

I got an early appt with Dr. Tinney and she said there was no infection but a lot of pressure and congestion. She said the pain was actually because of an ulcer inside the ear canal - like a canker sore.

Nothing really to do but wait for it to heal - she suggested putting a few drops of peroxide inside the ear every few hours. She also gave me a nasal spray to help with the congestion.

I am miserable, but it's miserable in the worst way because I'm totally not sick enough to stay home and be miserable in private. I have to go to work and be miserable there. I am quite cranky about this whole thing!!

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